Friday, August 12, 2011

How old am I again?

My 6 weeks was up on Wednesday. Doing pretty good. The Amitiza seems to be working. I have a deathly fear that it will stop working and I will have the distention again:( All is pretty good on the GI side of things. I had my first new patient appointment with my new PCP. I really like him. He is a nice guy and very VERY knowledgable. We ran a full panel of Thyroid tests today. We haven't ran a good workup in years because of my crappy doctor. I should get the results back next week. We also did a CBC and a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel.
Now to the interesting part. I told him all of my symptoms:the tingling,lightheadedness...etc He decided to do an EKG while I was there. The results are.................................................... I have a freaking Arrythmia. You have got to be freaking kidding me! I am 26 years old. Is anything about my health ok? I swear I have seen almost every type of doctor there is:/ I guess it is good that we caught it. He said it could be totally fine but could be a symptom of a deeper problem. He scheduled me an appointment with a Cardiologist next Tuesday. When will this ever end?!

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