Friday, August 7, 2015

It has been awhile!

Oh my gosh, wow, it has been awhile since I posted. I am doing pretty well! I am feeling wonderful! For awhile, I was still having issues with constipation and having to take Amitiza, and the discussion continued about another surgery. I am happy to report that I do not have issues with constipation anymore and I am feeling wonderful. At age 30, I feel better than I ever have. I started working out and began CrossFit, I started leading a Paleo lifestyle and my life changed. I feel incredible! When I was diagnosed with the Soy and Gluten allergy, I was scared how that would effect me but since eating Paleo almost all of my symptoms have disappeared! I am still so happy to have had the surgery but a lot of my issues were caused by my lifestyle. I wish I would have figured that out before my Total Hysterectomy but you live and learn. I found that I had much more control of my body, more than I expected! I am sure moving to the West Coast helped with my Vitamin D too! That is my testimony!
My daughter's father and I divorced but I got remarried this year to an amazing man who supports me and love my daughters like his own. He took control of his life too by losing 100lbs with fitness and eating Paleo!
 In 2011

My husband and I

Our wedding day with my twin flower girls

My sweet little girls


A strong woman, who didn't give up and didn't let anything stop her!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog, albeit way after your last post. I hope that you're still checking your messages. I am in the position you were in 2011. I have been horribly distended since April 4th (yep, I know the exact date). Ongoing constipation. When this all first started, I was also nauseous, lost my appetite and experienced breathing issues. I've been to the ER 4 times (when it gets unbearable). I've had a suds enema (mortifying), colonoscopy, endoscopy, x-rays, ultrasounds and today I had my motility test and will get my marker study capsule this afternoon. I have been suffering through this for 8 months & am so done. I told my mom the other day I was going to buy some inexpensive maternity clothes, just so I can dress "normally". I cry at work, I cry at home - have never cried so much in my life; mostly because one more doctor told me it was "just constipation".
