Friday, August 7, 2015

It has been awhile!

Oh my gosh, wow, it has been awhile since I posted. I am doing pretty well! I am feeling wonderful! For awhile, I was still having issues with constipation and having to take Amitiza, and the discussion continued about another surgery. I am happy to report that I do not have issues with constipation anymore and I am feeling wonderful. At age 30, I feel better than I ever have. I started working out and began CrossFit, I started leading a Paleo lifestyle and my life changed. I feel incredible! When I was diagnosed with the Soy and Gluten allergy, I was scared how that would effect me but since eating Paleo almost all of my symptoms have disappeared! I am still so happy to have had the surgery but a lot of my issues were caused by my lifestyle. I wish I would have figured that out before my Total Hysterectomy but you live and learn. I found that I had much more control of my body, more than I expected! I am sure moving to the West Coast helped with my Vitamin D too! That is my testimony!
My daughter's father and I divorced but I got remarried this year to an amazing man who supports me and love my daughters like his own. He took control of his life too by losing 100lbs with fitness and eating Paleo!
 In 2011

My husband and I

Our wedding day with my twin flower girls

My sweet little girls


A strong woman, who didn't give up and didn't let anything stop her!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another surgery?

I had an appointment with my Gastroenterologist this morning. We discussed the HORRIBLE pain,distention,gas, vomiting and disgusting burps I have been having. Reglan has helped some but we are going to Domperidone to see if it helps. He mentioned I probably will be a good candidate for a Gastric Pacemaker and so I have an appointment with the doctor on November 1. Anymore, I don't care I want to feel better. Tomorrow is my appointment with the Endocrinologist. Again my levels are fine but I feel exhausted with malaise. He is probably going to start me on the Hydrocortisone Oral, I'm such a Guinea Pig, it is so disheartening.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So for the longest time, I have had full body symptoms. It has seemed every system in my body was messed up and the doctors have been at a loss because nothing helps and the symptoms are so spread. It has become debilitating. I ran into a disease called Dysautonomia. I think this may be it, I sent a message to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and and Autonomic Neuorologist in Toledo Ohio, as there are no specialist around here. I will let you know what I hear. I feel relieved, I may not be crazy!It sounds exactly freaking like me, check this out:

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's been awhile

Oh my goodness, boy has it been awhile since I posted. I didn't realize it had been this long! I am so sorry about that. I have had so much going on. There is always something going on with my health:/ Still very happy I had the Colectomy. I am on Amitiza 24MCG twice a day, but not every day.At one point, I was up to 4-5 per day which is downright terrible.
The only downfall has my Gastroparesis has gotten pretty debilitating, which I have heard is common to get worse for some reason. I had an Endoscopy a few months back, after 18 hours, I still had tons of food left in my stomach.I am nauseous, have vomiting, diarrhea, HORRIBLE stomach pain(worst pain in my life), so they just recently put me on Reglan but that isn't for long term use. Apparently, the food sits for so long in the stomach that it ferments and causes all of the issues. I am meeting the Gastroenterologist to follow up at the beginning of Septemeber, I hope I won't have to have the Gastric Pacemeake implanted.
Still have been struggling with my Thyroid. For once, I would love not be exhausted. I have had issues with syncope and tingling of extremeties I saw an Endocrinologist at the beginning of July, if you recall I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis. We tested my levels and my TSH, FT4 and FT3 were all low, if you know anything about those labs, those are strange results. He suspected Central Hypothyroidism. We did a Pituitary MRI and no Adenomas but a weird enhanced contrast area, we are still trying to figure that out:/ Had ACTH Stim Test done too, again results were confusing. He suspects Adrenal Insufficicency or Hypopituitarism. Depends on these last labs come back will depend on if I need more tests and if I have to start the Oral Hydrocortisone:( So yea, I am a mess basically.
Also, had a breast lump removed at the beginning of the year. For being 27, I am so screwed up and nothing makes sense or is straight forward. I have had doctors tell me I would make a fantastic case study. They get excited to see Seriously considering going to the Mayo Clinic. What if all of my issues have resulted from an underlying disease or illness? I have so many different typs of specialists, yet they aren't speaking with one another.
Anyways, I will try to post more often. Have a great day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hi guys! Everything is pretty good. I have been taking the Amitiza 24mcg, once instead of twice per day. Some days I have to take two but boy the nausea that comes with this dose is not even funny:/ So I am also on Reglan for the horrible nausea. I am just happy that the meds are still working. In the meantime, I need to find out what my trigger for gas is. What type of diet can I try?!! Gluten free and lactose free really didn't do much. If I could figure out what causes the gas I would happily stop eating it!!
Great news I am at 130!!!! 129 was my pre-twin baby weight. That is a total of 22-23 pounds since my surgery. I look awesome and most of the time I feel awesome too!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

All good

3 month post-op was today. I am doing fantastic. Other than the very painful trapped UPPER gas pains, all is well. He said for that he may send me back to the GI. It could be a Gluten intolerance or it could go back to the Gastroparesis. I will tell you it hurts and nothing helps because it is in the top part of my abdomen and not down low by my rectum. I have been on 8 MCG of Amitiza twice per day, this has helped with distention. He wrote a prescription for the 24 MCG 1 or 2 per day to see if it helps. I will keep you guys updated.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Truly Happy


Almost 3 months out

It has been awhile,most things are going well. I go for my 3 month Post-op on Thursday. I have a bowel movement every day. Of course, I have been on the Amitiza quite awhile. This has reduced the bloating significantly. There are still times where I get HORRIBLE gas pains but here is the kicker,they are up by my stomach not by my rectum. It is impossible to get it out when it is that high up. Over Labor Day weekend I was in so much pain. I have no idea what it is from as it seems to come in phases.
Same thing goes with the type of BM. One week, I will have pure liquid (looks like urine) bowel movements 10 times a day ( No, I don't mind this, I acutally prefer it). It doesn't hurt like diarrhea,it makes you feel so cleaned out, I thorougly enjoy pooping!lol My favorite part of the day.
Oh but going back to what I was saying, one week liquid bowel movement. The next week soft but formed, then the next week mush and not formed and then one week I barely go any when I do go(during the painful gas times). I would imagine it would have to be hormones but it doesn't line up with my Menstrual Cycle the way you think it would. So I don't know. I am so happy that I had this surgery. I feel great! I look great! 16 total pounds lost! 7 pounds away from my prebaby weight! I will post how Thursday's appointment goes,hopefully he will have some insight on the cause or cure for the upper trapped gas.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oh and since I mentioned the heart problems, I did have my appointment. She wants me to have a 30 Day Cardiac Event Monitor and Echocardiogram done. I have decided to wait until my next panel of blood tests(in 4 more weeks) to see if that makes a difference. I actually was HYPER last time and that can cause heart symptoms.
Just noticed it had been awhile. Nothing has really changed. The Amitiza is still working,for now at least. I am feeling awesome. Since they switched me from Levothyroxine to Synthroid, I have noticed a huge difference. I feel great. I wake up before my alarm clock goes off. I have energy. I look good and healthy. I have my last appointment with my surgeon at the end of September. I also have the Endo appointment but I don't think I am going to go. My new PCP is very knowledgeable and now I have the correct diagnosis (Hashimotos) we can focus better on what to do. I am still so upset they all of my other doctors didn't think to check for Antibodies,welp that is why you have to be proactive no matter what you are dealing with!