Friday, May 20, 2011

I don't get it, how can I have a slow Stomach and non-functioning Colon but a super Small Bowel? I have a list of questions to ask the doctor about surgery as well as the SBFT. I am trying not to worry. What else would they do for a fast Small Bowel? We know the Large Intestine won't get better so wouldn't be in my best interest just to get the surgery?
Something he said that was interesting and that 60% of patients consider the surgery a complete success while 20% still struggle with constipation and 20% have horrible diarrhea. He said he had one lady who has such bad diarrhea she has to have IV fluids once per week. This is where my concern from the SBFT comes from. He did mention though they he leaves a very small segment of Sigmoid Colon so maybe that would help. I don't know, I just want this diseased Colon out of me. I just didn't expect these results. We spoke about what would happen if I had a slow Small Bowel but we sure didn't talk about this:(

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