Thursday, May 19, 2011


Ok so today was my hopefully last two tests. I arrived at the hospital. They brought me back with the Flouroscopy room was. I stood in front of the x-ray and swallowed these crystals that tasted horrible. I then washed that down with THICK Barium. They leaned me back and had me to flips and move every which way. The UGI took 10 minutes and was perfectly normal.
After the UGI was the Small Bowel Follow Through. They had me drink another huge cup of thinner Barium. I was then going to be taken back every 15 minutes for an x-ray until it reached the Cecum. Well they were late, so my first x-ray was at 30 minutes. The tech came out and said that I was done:o I was in shock. Normal is between like 1-4 hours for this test. Mine was 30 minutes!!!! Every other part of me is slow but not my small intestines.
I started to freak out thinking that this will be bad for surgery. I called my surgeon and the nurse said he was out until Monday:/ So I decided to get the report from the Radiologist. It said that everything looked fine and then my transit time of 30 minutes was "within normal limits". So I suppose it is normal but I still worry that he will say this will be an issue for surgery. So I guess I have to wait and be patient.

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