Tuesday, June 21, 2011

8 days

A little over a week left. I am excited and very nervous. Still worried about getting sick but mostly worried that surgery won't help. So many complications could occur:Anesthesia issues, Ileus, narrowing or leaking at the anastomosis site..etc What if it doesn't work and I am still constipated? I just want to feel better.I don't think it is too much to ask to feel better for my daughters. I am 26 years old, I deserve to live my life healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have browsed over your blog a couple of times after following a link in an IBS blog. It sounds like you've been having an awful time with your bowel issues. I also have a long and loopy bowel (my gastro-enterologist and surgeon said that approximately 10% of the population have this), and IBS which comes and goes in intensity, but can last for months at a time and makes life somewhat miserable. I have recently learned about probiotics (gut flora) and how there's been evidence for years about their positive affect for bowel issues and immune function generally. You probably already know about these, but I wanted to say I understand how digestive issues can totally do your head-in and cause great distress, and as these probiotics have helped me beyond what I thought possible without other radical intervention like surgery, I thought I should at least post a note about it. There is an international website called PubMed (you probably know that one too), where medical practitioners go to get their evidence. Health and Medical research studies and reviews (of many studies) are posted there by the thousands. It's a great place to browse, and I will put a link to one of the probiotics reviews here:


    And I just happened to see this one about lymphatics and bowel disease (forgive me if I'm rehashing where you've already travelled).


    This may seem radical but my diet also affects my digestion and I've recently become intrigued with the paleolothic diet (no grains, dairy or sugar)and am trying it with good results. There is some evidence for its positive health benefits and it is a growing discussion amongst some health professionals:


    One last risk I know about with any open abdominal surgery is 'adhesions'. This doesn't seem to get mentioned much but can cause problems in the future and your Doctor should be informing you about it (if they haven't already).

    I wish you the very best possible outcome for your surgery and for your ongoing wellbeing and quality of life. :)
