Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sorry about all the grammatical errors in the last post, I didn't proofread.
Anyway, after the Sitzmarker came back abnormal the next step was to test for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I had to prep for the test. The prep, just like with the Colonoscopy did not work and I was forced to take additional laxatives. I arrived in Radiology early Monday morning. I had to drink 2 12oz bottles of Barium (This stuff was disgusting). I had an abdominal x-ray and then was transferred to the Defogram room.
Once there, I spoke with the Radiologist about my history with constipation. Then he injected my vagina and rectum with Barium paste. I was asked to sit on a "toilet". They needed to x-ray what happens when I try to have a bowel movement. I was asked to relax, bear down and eliminate the paste. I was able to eliminate most of the Barium.
There are many issues that this can test for, my worry was Anismus. Anismus is where the rectum spasms instead of relaxing during evacuation. The "cure" for this is Biofeedback or Botox injections in the rectum, a last resort would be to have a bag. Neither the Biofeedback or the Botox. have a great result rating. However, this particular test showed that my rectum was relaxing during defecation. I do have a small Rectocele and Enterocele. These are very common in women that have had children. He explained that they were so small that these were not was making it impossible for me to have a bowel movement. This was great news for me!

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