Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How it all started

My whole life I have struggled with constipation, horrible bloating and gas. Even as a teenager, I can recall having to take laxatives to have a bowel movement. As I have gotten older it has gotten worse and worse. At age 18, I approached my PCP about my issues with having a bowel movement. They did blood work an checked my thyroid. I was found to have an extremely high TSH, and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I was put on medication.
The doctors all told me that once my levels were at a good level that my constipation should be cured. I was told to continue to increase the amount of water that I drink as well as increase fiber, which I did but his cause more issues. After my levels were stable, I went back to my doctor and was diagnosed with IBS( I never accepted this diagnosis). He told me to try Zelnorm. I did and again, no relief.
In 2006, I had a Colonoscopy. The prep failed and I had to take additional laxatives. My scope was good aside from the fact that I had polyps that were easily removed. I had mild Melanosis Coli and a long redundant Colon. Afterwards, I was told to try Miralax, which supposedly was a miracle drug! I tried and there was no difference. I increased my dose to 3 or 4 capfuls three times a day and nothing happened.
After my Colonoscopy, I just lived with it. Other than the fact that the amount of laxatives I had to take to make a bowel movement increased, I was doing ok. In 2008, my issues got bad again. I wen to visit another GI. He had mentioned a few tests that I should do to hopefully find the cause of my constipation. I was going through IVF and that next month I became pregnant with my daughters. All testing was put on hold.
During pregnancy, constipation was absolutely HORRIBLE. However, they were worth every moment of it. After delivery, I had a very brief amount of time where I was able to use the bathroom a couple of times a week. This was short lived and I went back to having my normal issues. Again, I just put up with it.
In February of 2011, I hit an all time low. Laxatives were losing effectiveness, I was having to take 10 or so to maybe have a bowel movement. I would have to plan a potty day, in case it worked. The bloating became distention. So uncomfortable and so bad that I was forced to wear my maternity clothes again. I hurt so bad. I would sit at work and just cry. I was at the end of my rope. I couldn't live this way any longer. At 26,I had no quality of life. All I wanted to do was lay in bed. I didn't want to go to work, take my kids to the park or do anything at all. I of course questioned my new PCP and she blamed it on my IBS. I HAD IT WITH THE IBS DIAGNOSIS! I knew this was not what was wrong.
With the typical reaction from regular doctor I decided to revisit my GI. He told me before we try any testing lets try a new medication called Amitiza. We started on 8MCG and after two weeks moved up to 24MCG. No change, surprise surprise:/ He then told me I had the option to start my tests. At this point, I knew that nothing was going to get better. If anything it was going to continue to get worse.

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