Tuesday, April 19, 2011


This is how I look now, distended and gross. I haven't even gained a pound.

How I should look!


  1. Hi my name is heather! I think it's extremely brave and awesome of you to have thus blog! I hope you are not suffering anymore! I've been suffering for 3 years and i believe I have colonic inertia. Insane painful distention. I look 8 months preganant at times. It gets much worse when eating anything with fiber. Im heading out to mass general hospital soon to get a diagnosis. This has been 3 years of hell with all tests saying I'm constipated. Even if I have a bowel movement I'm still constipated. It's scary and I'm tired.

  2. Did you get diagnosed? Did you have surgery? How are you doing now? Of you could please email me at tiaramaterial@aol.com I would be very appreciative. I hope your doing well heather
