Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sitz Marker Study

Total Colectomy with Ileorectal Anastomosis. The colon is removed and the small intestine is connected to the rectum.

Day 7

Day 4

The first part of my testing was to do a Sitz Marker Study. There are various ways to do this but my directions were to take one capsule for 3 days in a row and go in and get an x-ray on day 4 and 7. The capsules contained 24 small rings. This test is to show colon transit time. On day 4, all of my markers were in my ascending colon. This meant even my markers from day 1 had only made it that far. On day 7, I had 12 in the ascending, 1 in the transverse, 12 in the descending and 37 int he rectosigmoid area. This is not good, they should all be gone. After my GI, saw the results I was diagnosed with Colonic Inertia. Which is basically where you colon just isn't working. There is no cure. The only thing to do is to continue taking the laxatives or have a Total Colectomy with Ilorecatal Anastomosis.

***** I need to add, during this test I had a stomach bug and I do believe that my transit time was increased. Judging by the fact, that my abdomen was making sounds that it usually does not make.

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