Monday, April 25, 2011

I never want to experience that again

So Sunday I had what I believe was an impaction. I actually felt the urge to have a bowel movement. I tried and pushed and strained but nothing happened. At this point, I must have pushed the stool down some because the pressure and the pain was horrible. I tried for an hour and a half. I was barely able to get the enema in, it was so large and so hard. After about 45 minutes I was able to expel the stool (not without pain). This was the worst pain of my life, I was dizzy and I had a pounding headache from the pushing. I do not want to do this again ever. This was just horrible. It was so hard to have that pressure,pain and urge to go but when I did I almost passed out from the pain. Good thing I had a c-section and not a vaginal birth!lol

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