Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1 month out

I'm one month out,well almost. All in all doing ok,I have a bowel movement once per day. The last few days have been odd. The distention is back in my belly. The surgeon had surgery today so hopefully I will hear from him tomorrow. I am currently on my period so I expect bloating but this is pretty drastic. Not as bad as before but I am not happy with it. I don't know what could be wrong. Maybe there is something going on in my Liver,Gallbladder or Pancreas? I say this because originally my bowel movements were yellow(which is normal), then they became normal colored but now the last few days it has been orange. Obviously, I have no idea what I am talking about but it is my personality to try to figure out what is wrong with.
On another note, I finally got my appointment set for the Endocrinologists. My former PCP never faxed over my paperwork (can't stand her:/). So the nurse at the Endo's office is going to request my paperwork. She better not give me a hard time!

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