Thursday, July 21, 2011

Post Op

I had my 3 week post-operative appointment today. He said if I have anymore rectal buring that we can do a scan. Hopefully not, it hasn't happened in over a week! The reason that I am still having pain at the IV site is because I have a blood clot. I have to take Aspirin to hopefully clear it. The dizziness and tingling could be caused from dehydration. I am going to try to drink more water. If after a few weeks nothing has changed he is going to send me to see an Internist. I have one more appointment in 2 months and then I "graduate".LOL
I feel soooooo good. I am very happy I had the surgery. Now if I can just get my Thyroid straightened out! I had my records sent to an Endo so hopefully he can help. These last 10 years have been really hard. My thyroid levels are HORRIBLE. I have low T4 and my TSH has been over 100 numerous times. I don't know if you know anything about Thyroid levels but that is really bad. I have a lab drawn, my dose is increased, then decreased and then doubled. It is just back and forth:/ Even when my levels are "normal" I am still symptomatic.
Anyway, the surgery has given me a lot of energy back and even if I don't get the Thyroid figued out I can still deal. I am just so excited. My last 10 years has just been full of pain and sickness. I feel better than I can ever remember. If anyone is debating this surgery (and has had the necessary testing) I say do it! It got me my life back.
Well I am rambling, I will still post but hopefully not as much. No news is good news:)

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