Monday, July 18, 2011

I haven't posted in awhile but everything is going well. I go about one to two times per day. I don't know exactly how much I am going because it is still mush but I am very happy. I would prefer to be going 4 or so times per day but I feel good and am so happy that I had the surgery!!!! I go back to work on the 20th so I anxious about that but everyone including the doctor tells me I am doing remarkabley well! I have other issues going on. EVERY TIME I stand up I get dizzy,then my vision goes black and I get tingly. I know that is normal sometimes but every single time?!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to thank you for writing this blog. I've recently been diagnosed with colonic inertia and I'm meeting the surgeon tomorrow. I swear I've learned more from reading your blog than anywhere else. I feel like everytime I Google this disease all I find is information a year or older. My PCP says I'm the youngest person he's ever seen diagnosed with this...I'd have been younger if he wouldn't given me more credit over the past 4 or 5 years...thank God for Gastros. Do you have any advice looking back at your tests, preps and surgeries?
