Thursday, July 7, 2011

Follow up

Last time I posted was Monday the 4th. At that time, I was starting to get pretty bad gas pains and it was trapped. and not having a whole lot of movement. The pains lasted about 20 seconds and they were an 8 on the pain scale.
Tuesday was just as bad with gas pains. Same thing until about 6P.M. I was sitting in the living room/playroom with my daughters while my Mother-in-law was cooking dinner. I got up to urinate and I made it a few feet and had to sit down. If I wasn't curled over the pain was a 10,if I curled up it was an 8.The worst freaking pain I have ever felt my entire life!! I took some pain pills and tried to get back to the couch. The on-call doctor said to wait it out or to get to the ER because it could be a leakage. I waited about 45 minutes and the pain began to subside. I finally made it back to my couch in the family room and decided to take my temperature again. It had been 97.3 when this all started, which is quite normal. This time my temperatures was 100.0. I was stick to my stomach and was very nauseous. About 5 hours after this all started I had a bowel movement. I felt better the rest of the night.
On Wednesday, the gas pains were pretty low. I was more frequently able to get the gas out, still not a whole lot of movement. Felt good until the evening and my temperature spiked back up.
Today I had my appointment to get my staples out. That all went well, except my incisions hurt more now. He addressed all of my concerns. My temperature is high from my shallow breathing. I am always out of breath. What is happening is that my lungs are starting to collapse some and it is senting my temperature up. I have to start breathing exercises again. The Colon causes 95% of the gas in a human. Now that mine is gone I shouldn't have much but my bowels are slow right now but Liver and Pancreas are still spewing out which is causing my discomfort. I am taking Prilosec to slow down. As far as little to no bowel movements, he said my bowels are still sleepy and the first few weeks everything is "normally abnormal".
I go back in two weeks. If I am still not going we may do a scan. I still don't have a huge appetite and am down 8 lbs. Tonight I am again running a fever but I feel ok. I do not regret doing the surgery but I have no patience. This was major surgery and it should be expected that set backs will happen. All-in-all I am doing wonderfully so it makes me feel good to know that at least what is happening is normal!

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